Small Mercies
You are a walking testimony.
Miracles brim at the bottom of your chest.
Every symphony you breathe is an ode to the new you.
Close your eyes and you will hear the theme song to your life.
It is every word you never knew you needed,
It is the best thing you will ever hear.
What parts of you withstand the seasons?
What is washed away with the rain?
What freezes with snow?
What is renewed with the rising of the sun?
How many things in your chest do not feel like treasures?
If the physical is a pocket, what are you holding inside?
You did not get to where you are with wings
You trudged,
You climbed,
You fell,
you got up,
you ran,
you sat down,
You lay down all together,
and you got up again.
You are human and broken. You are spirit and whole.
You are a slow hymn to the devil’s ears.
You are dazzle. You are pomp and circumstance.
You are so loved, honey, even the sun and moon take turns making your skin glow.
Your heart is a quiet storm.
A weapon of mass loving.
Wear this loudly when the world wants to turn you numb.