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Why I Write

I write because there are words in my bones that need to be massaged out if I want to stand straight, to walk, to breathe.

I write because my mind gets cloudy and sometimes the only way to clear it out is to string each sentence onto blank pages.

I write for my future daughter, so that one day if she asks mommy what were you like when you were my age? I will not have to lie

I write when the world is too noisy and the only quiet i can find is the blank space between the lines

I write to heal. I write to feel. I write to listen. I write to pray. I write to speak.

I write because 19 years ago, when I moved across continents and left everything familiar behind, it was the words. Other people’s words held me.

I write so I don’t forget where I have been

I write to create who I will be

I write to celebrate who I am. Here, now.

I write because there is something in me the world needs